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"The Andersons hadn't expected havoc to break out when they moved but, nevertheless, near riot had developed."


Ever had to move with children involved? Well, this is the story of Sally, Sarah, Susan and Benjamin James Anderson (B.J. the little brother). It seems that everyone in the family is getting used to the idea of a major move except B.J.  But where is B.J.? This is the fun story of a family looking for their "lost" son/brother. Pretty soon most of the neighborhood and the sheriff's department are involved. But is B.J. really "lost"? Maybe he just wants to think about this moving stuff. Delving into the pros and cons of moving this short story helps a child, and parents of that child, work through those pros and cons. It is a fun story that will be enjoyed by parents and children. It is comprised of 33 pages with full illustrations in a comb bound book. 

The Thinking Tree

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